Addiction and Substance Use

Have you ever wondered why Alcoholic’s Anonymous (AA) only ever achieves 7%-10% success rates? Are you concerned that only very expensive resort-type in patient programs can heal addiction? What if your assumptions are incorrect? What if being engaged more fully in your daily life was more important to your recovery than living at a resort for 90 days? We have good news for you—being in your regular daily life is research-proven to enhance your chances for recovery. If you want you want to find your way forward as a sober person in this world, we hope you’ll give us a call or reach out through this website. This is the work we do. We work within the structure of your regular life to help you find your unique answers for healing. Want to discover or rediscover positivity and meaning in life?

We have worked with over 1,000 people who have experienced lost relationships, jobs, daily peace of mind, and life due to alcohol and substance use.  Studying, living, and working in this field extensively, we help people discover their unique pathway to recovery. We observe that the primary missing component of long-term substance recovery and addiction healing is weekly (moving to bi-weekly over time) counseling during at least one year of sobriety. This is the direct and hands on support we provide.

Some people say relapse is part of recovery. We say, well, it can be…but there are not rules for recovery that apply to all people. We prefer the idea that you create the rules for your recovery, and we help you find those answers for yourself. Relapse is often a gradual process and the mental commitment to relapse often comes before actually using again. For example, someone coming up on two years of sobriety may feel like they have their addiction under control. They may believe that they can use after two years in celebration of their sobriety and stop after one use, avoid an extended relapse. Have you ever made deals with yourself about using again? How did those work out?

Recovery, like life generally, is a process of personal learning and growth. What are the key components? First, create a different life where it’s easier to stay sober and routinely reminds you of your human worth and dignity; a life that allows you to be the best version of you. Second, be uncomfortably honest with yourself…and with others. This helps you open the door to your internal power to direct your life. Third, always ask for help. Asking for help is sign of personal strength and can make your journey just a little bit easier.
Fourth, practice exercise and care of your mind, body, and spirit. We will support you in creating these ideas. Finally, make a decision that you want to be successful, that you want to find out how a sober life allows you to live the richness and magnificence of who you really are. Does that sound unrealistic to you? Don’t believe that you are rich and magnificent? Individual counseling is a mirror to your soul, and in that mirror, you will come to discover the real you. We can help you find your way to this place of life and living.

Do you want to live humbly and soberly without hitting new rock bottoms?  Do you recognize the need and want to fill the yearning in you, the hole in your heart and life, that the alcohol and substances cannot fill? Our work is helping people like you find these answers, and we can help you.